Have we run out of ideas?

Someone asked me a surprising (at least to me!) question recently. Is the quality of innovation in the World coming down?

It is true that in the last 100 years, humans have made more scientific progress than in the last 1000 years combined. From Internal Combustion Engine, Pencillin, Telephone, Television to  airplane.

Compare that with the top innovations of this decade: iPhone, Facebook, Twitter?

How would Steve & Zuckerberg stack up to the Wright Brothers or Alexander Fleming?

What is your opinion?


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About Sir K. Sam

R.K. Laxman's Common Man has represented the hopes, aspirations, troubles and foibles of the Great Indian Middle Class. Sir K. Sam, who looks exactly like him, hopes to draw attention to the muddling society and system that India has transformed into in the 60 years of independence and the indifference of the same Great Indian Middle Class.

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