Tag Archive | Robert Vadra

Points to Ponder

Ashok Khemka: Robert Vadra falsified documents for Gurgaon landTHSRN_VADRA_1546510g

And the only question on everyone’s mind is: “is that Priyanka’s bag in the background?”

White House Overturns Trade Ruling Involving Apple:

Apple patent wins could mean U.S. import ban for Samsung.

When Samsung gets a ban on sale of iPhones, by the International Trade Commission, the White house personally intervenes to get it overturned (citing among other reasons, a lack of alternative for consumer).  But, When Apple successfully blocks Samsung, no word from the top – where is the consumer alternative (especially, cheaper consumer alternative) now?

Ford famously said, “we’ll give you a car in any color, so long as its black”. Maybe that holds good for fairness too!

Secure Email Provider Lavabit shuts down under US pressure:

Levison wrote “I feel you deserve to know what’s going on – the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.”

My comments: See, I am being discreet and not commenting. So don’t shutdown this blog, ok? 😀